Benefits of LactoSpore®
LactoSpore can be formulated in LactoSpore® in solid dosage forms, such as tablets, capsules, granules or powder, it can be also formulated in gummies, candies, beverages like Kamboocha. LactoSpore based formulations have the following characteristics:
- Contain a large number of viable lactobacilli that retain viability during preparation in solid dosage forms and during storage before consumption. The spores are thermostable as against viable L. acidophilus cells, which may not withstand formulation conditions
- Survive in gastric secretions and bile of the upper digestive tract and reach the intestine safely
- Settle in the digestive tract and produce enough lactic acid and other antagonistic substances to inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria
Even as probiotics gain unprecedented consumer acceptance, mainstream media coverage highlights confusion as to which forms are most beneficial, which is where LactoSpore®‘s established efficacy becomes particularly compelling